Ready, Set, Go...Get Granted: A Grant Writing Course - May 7th - June 11th


Introduces grants and grant proposal writing. Knowledge of the grant writing cycle allows nonprofit professionals to use their time productively. Topics include effective research, creating a plan for the program, elements of a good proposal, components of the proposal package, and strategies for getting a proposal read by a foundation or corporation. Offers students an opportunity to research an RFP or identify a foundation, write a grant proposal, and ready it for submission to a funding source.

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Ready, Set, Go…Get Granted: A Grant Writing Course - May 7th - June 11th (Meets Tuesdays at 8pm EST)


Students should expect to spend the majority of time constructing various components of grant applications. Students will read best practices resources and complete practical exercises to strengthen grant writing competency.


Ready, Set, Go…Get Granted is a professional grant and report writing course with a highly interactive format that relies on your willingness to participate in all course activities. The syllabus lays out an initial plan for our work and may be revised during the course to meet students’ needs and interests. All of the elements of this course are designed to help hone your professional writing skills.

Course Methodology


A very small percentage of grants get funded, on average about five percent of proposals submitted are approved. Today’s grant writing climate presents various challenges in light of widespread economic decline. NPM 6140 will assist students in improving their capacity to identify funding opportunities and maximize the potential for partnerships.


Each week, you will be expected to:


1. View weekly announcements and learning objectives. It is important to regularly check your emails and course updates.
2. Complete all assigned readings.
3. Complete all lecture materials.

4. Attend our live session.
5. . Actively participate in the Discussion Board.

6. Complete and submit all assignments by the due dates.